40件中 1~40件
用途住宅(カーペット、網戸など)・家具・キッチン回り(換気扇、レンジ、グリルなど)・工具用 成分非イオン系界面活性剤(4.5% ポリオキシエチレンアルキルエーテル)、可溶化剤、水軟化剤 使用方法濃縮タイプで2倍~100倍に薄めて使います。 形状液体 タイプ濃縮 液性弱アルカリ性 使用場所室内、網戸、キッチン 希釈の目安2倍~100倍
739 税込813
バリエーション一覧へ (5種類の商品があります)

用途油汚れ落としに。 成分非イオン系界面活性剤、可溶化剤、水難化剤 液性無毒性、不燃性 トラスコ品番411-0340 形状液体 質量(g)988 商品タイプ本体
719 税込791

生分解性100%の高い安全性です。 無色透明微臭タイプ、人、物に安全で油汚れを強力に分解洗浄します。 水溶性に優れており、すすぎ作業が簡単に行えます。
用途無色・色・臭いが問題となる食品加工工場に。 工場等の床・壁・設備などに。 タイプ希釈タイプ pH値9.5(弱アルカリ性) 主成分非イオン系界面活性剤、可溶化剤、水軟化剤 使用場所食品加工場、工場 形状液体
839 税込923
バリエーション一覧へ (3種類の商品があります)

シンプルグリーン希釈用の空ボトル(容器容量350mL)になります。 はかりやすい目盛りつき。
商品タイプ希釈ボトル 容器(mL)350
699 税込769

高い安全性を誇る環境洗剤(生分解度100% OECD 301D protocol)です。ph9.5の弱アルカリ性です。
用途油汚れ、手の油汚れの洗浄。 ホワイト トラスコ品番376-2009 材質不織布 質量(kg)1.25 シートサイズ(mm)250×290
4,298 税込4,728

油汚れ用洗剤 工業用  (パワフルクリーナー) モノタロウ 定期注文 動画あり
油汚れの強力脱脂洗浄剤。 濃縮タイプ。 油汚れの調理機器、厨房設備、壁、床などからモップまでの洗浄に。 軽い汚れから油汚れまできれいにします。
用途油で汚れた厨房設備:換気扇、レンジフード、壁、床等の洗浄に。 油で汚れた調理機器:オーブン、レンジ、ガステーブル等の洗浄に。 汚れたモップ、綿製品などの洗浄に。 ※使えないもの:アルミニウム、銅、真ちゅう、亜鉛、錫、銀などの金属製品白木の家具、皮革製品、ニス、ペンキ、うるしの塗装面 <希釈の目安> 油汚れの強いキッチン周りには…原液から3倍 ガラスなどの汚れに…100~200倍 モップについた油汚れに…10倍 液性アルカリ性 付属品半透明の付属キャップ(アプリケーター) 成分直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸塩、アニオン界面活性剤、ポリオキシエチレンアルキルエーテル、水酸化ナトリウム、エタノール、着色剤、水 使用方法汚れの程度により水でうすめて(原液~200倍)ご使用下さい。洗浄液を直接ふりかけるか、布やスポンジなどにつけてこすり洗いした後、水や湯で洗い流すか、よく水ぶきします。フィルター、焼き網など取り外しができるものは希釈液に浸漬し、しばらく放置後、水や湯でよくすすぎます。壁などの垂直面や高い部分を洗浄するときは、洗浄液を含ませたペーパーを数分間貼り付けた後、はぎ取り、あとよく水ぶきします。 応急処置洗浄剤、希釈液が目に入った場合、直ちに流水で15分以上洗い流して下さい(コンタクトレンズは外してください)。その後すみやかに医師の診断を受けて下さい。手当てが遅れると、失明することがあります。洗浄剤、希釈液を万一飲み込んだ場合、直ちに多量の水、牛乳や生卵を飲ませて下さい。無理に吐かせないですみやかに医師の診断を受けて下さい。洗浄剤、希釈液が皮フについた場合、直ちに多量の水で洗い流して下さい。手当てが遅れると炎症を起こすことがあります。 関連資料よくある商品Q&A(0.2MB) 化学物質等安全データシート(SDS)(0.4MB) 商品タイプ業務用
1,690 税込1,859

シンプルグリーンは油汚れに強く、環境負荷の少ないバランスのとれた洗剤です。生分解性100%(OECD 301D Protocol)国際標準。原液は弱アルカリ性で肌にやさしく無りんです。酸化剤と反応したり危険なガスの発生もなく、燃えません。濃縮タイプで2倍~100倍に薄めて使います。水、お湯、海水で薄めて使う水溶性100%多目的洗剤です。すすぎも大量の水を必要としません。家庭から工場、土壌改良など多目的に使用できます。
用途(家庭用として)換気扇の油落とし、洗面所・風呂場、床・絨毯のシミ、テレビ・OA機器の汚れ落とし。(業務用として)工具・機械の掃除、洗車・塗装の脱脂、ビル清掃、工場清掃など 使用場所室内全般、キッチン、浴室、洗面所、工場 液性弱アルカリ性 トラスコ品番824-7949 セット内容シンプルグリーン500mL詰替×1本、うすめボトル350mL×1本、きれい生活ハンドブック×1冊 形状液体 質量(g)700 香りハーブ 商品タイプ本体
1,198 税込1,318

油汚れ洗剤 工業用 強力タイプ モノタロウ 動画あり
油汚れの強力脱脂洗浄剤。 濃縮タイプ。 油汚れの調理機器、厨房設備、壁、床などからモップまでの洗浄に。 軽い汚れから油汚れまできれいにします。
用途各種機械、部品、工具、工場設備などの油汚れ洗浄に。 工場フロアーの油汚れの洗浄に。 油で汚れた厨房設備:換気扇、レンジフード、壁、床等の洗浄に。 油で汚れた調理機器:オーブン、レンジ、ガステーブル等の洗浄に。 汚れたモップ、綿製品などの洗浄に。 <希釈の目安> 工場フロアーの油汚れ…5倍 ガラスなどの汚れ…100~200倍 モップについた油汚れ…10倍 液性アルカリ性 使用方法汚れの程度により水でうすめて(原液~200倍)ご使用下さい。洗浄液を直接ふりかけるか、布やスポンジなどにつけてこすり洗いした後、水や湯で洗い流すか、よく水ぶきします。フィルター、焼き網など取り外しができるものは希釈液に浸漬し、しばらく放置後、水や湯でよくすすぎます。壁などの垂直面や高い部分を洗浄するときは、洗浄液を含ませたペーパーを数分間貼り付けた後、はぎ取り、あとよく水ぶきします。 応急処置洗浄剤、希釈液が目に入った場合、直ちに流水で15分以上洗い流して下さい(コンタクトレンズは外してください)。その後すみやかに医師の診断を受けて下さい。手当てが遅れると、失明することがあります。洗浄剤、希釈液を万一飲み込んだ場合、直ちに多量の水、牛乳や生卵を飲ませて下さい。無理に吐かせないですみやかに医師の診断を受けて下さい。洗浄剤、希釈液が皮フについた場合、直ちに多量の水で洗い流して下さい。手当てが遅れると炎症を起こすことがあります。 界面活性剤(%)約8 成分直鎖アルキルベンゼンスルホン酸塩、アニオン界面活性剤、ポリオキシエチレンアルキルエーテル、水酸化ナトリウム、エタノール、着色剤、水 関連資料よくある商品Q&A(0.2MB) 化学物質等安全データシート(SDS)(0.4MB) 商品タイプ業務用
1,690 税込1,859
バリエーション一覧へ (2種類の商品があります)

工場、家庭のどんな汚れにも使える万能洗浄剤。 ご家庭の換気扇やガス器具、レンジ周りなどに付着した頑固な油汚れも強力に落とします。 愛車の内外装のお手入れに。
用途各種工作機械、部品の洗浄、船舶、航空機、車両等のオイル汚れの洗浄、金属面の油汚れの洗浄、製品納品前の最終仕上げ・スチール製机、椅子、キャビネット、電気、ガス器具等に付着した手垢、タバコのヤニやタール等のあらゆる汚れの洗浄 液性アルカリ 希釈の目安原液・・・各種工作機械工具・エンジン2~3倍の希釈液・・・事務機器・台所・換気扇50倍の希釈液・・・床・電気製品 成分非イオン系界面活性剤、陰イオン系界面活性剤、グリコールエーテル系溶剤、アルカリ剤、洗浄助剤、着色料、精製水 形状透明濃紺色液体
4,498 税込4,948
バリエーション一覧へ (2種類の商品があります)

シンプルグリーンは油汚れに強く、環境負荷の少ないバランスのとれた洗剤です。生分解性100%(OECD 301D Protocol)国際標準。原液は弱アルカリ性で肌にやさしく無りんです。酸化剤と反応したり危険なガスの発生もなく、燃えません。濃縮タイプで2倍~100倍に薄めて使います。水、お湯、海水で薄めて使う水溶性100%多目的洗剤です。すすぎも大量の水を必要としません。家庭から工場、土壌改良など多目的に使用できます。水溶性、油脂分解にすぐれた無色、透明、微臭タイプ。色、臭いが問題になる食品加工工場に最適。業務用に最適な大容量サイズ
用途(家庭用として)換気扇の油落とし、洗面所・風呂場、床・絨毯のシミ、テレビ・OA機器の汚れ落とし。(業務用として)工具・機械の掃除、洗車・塗装の脱脂、ビル清掃、工場清掃など 使用場所室内全般、キッチン、浴室、洗面所、工場 液性弱アルカリ性 トラスコ品番294-3387 質量(kg)19 容量(L)18.92(5gaL)
18,980 税込20,878

用途機械、部品、工具、設備の油汚れ除去。設備工場などのフロア洗浄。大型機械、設備外面の洗浄。工具・エンジン外面の汚れ除去。希釈倍率:工場フロアの洗浄:10~15倍、工具・エンジン外面の洗浄:5~10倍 使用方法水で希釈して使用(工場フロアーの洗浄:10~15倍、工具・エンジン外面の洗浄:5~10倍) 危険物の類別非危険物
1,798 税込1,978
バリエーション一覧へ (3種類の商品があります)

優れた洗浄力のアルカリ性汎用クリーナーです。 無リン、除菌剤入りで衛生的です。 臭いが少なく、使用場所を選びません。
用途工場内の油汚れ落とし。 スチール家具や什器の汚れ落とし。
3,500 税込3,850
バリエーション一覧へ (2種類の商品があります)

589 税込648
バリエーション一覧へ (12種類の商品があります)

Description。This is a simple pack of five Green LilyPad LEDs that are still attached to one another, letting you snap the LEDs apart at your leisure to sew into clothing or whatever else you can dream up.。LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Dr. Leah Buechley and cooperatively designed by Leah and SparkFun. Each LilyPad piece was creatively designed with large sew tabs to allow them to be sewn into fabric. Various input, output, power and sensor boards are available. They're even washable(with special care)!。Note:。A portion of this sale is given back to Dr. Buechley for continued development and education in e-textiles.。Features。5.5mm x 12.5mm。Thin 0.8mm PCB
819 税込901

Description。Buttons are an easy and tactile way to interface with your project, but why would you want to deal with debouncing, polling, and wiring up pull-up resistors? The Qwiic Button with built-in green LED simplifies all of those nasty worries away into an easy to use I2C device! Utilizing our Qwiic Connect System, using the button is as simple as connecting a cable and loading up some pre-written code!。If you need multiple buttons for your project, fear not! Each button has a configurable I2C address, so you can daisy-chain multiple buttons over Qwiic and still address each one individually. We've got an example in our Arduino library that provides a super-easy way to configure your Qwiic Button to whatever I2C address you desire. You can download the library through the Arduino library manager by searching 'SparkFun Qwiic Button' or you can get the GitHub repo as a .zip file and install the library from there.。In addition to handling blinking and debouncing, the Qwiic Button has configurable interrupts that can be configured to activate upon a button press or click. We've also taken the liberty of implementing a FIFO queue onboard the Qwiic Button where it keeps an internal record of when the button was pressed. This means that code on your microcontroller need not waste valuable processing time checking the status of the button but instead can run a small function whenever the button is pressed or clicked! For more information on interrupts check out our guide here!。The SparkFun Qwiic Connect System is an ecosystem of I2C sensors, actuators, shields and cables that make prototyping faster and less prone to error. All Qwiic-enabled boards use a common 1mm pitch, 4-pin JST connector. This reduces the amount of required PCB space, and polarized connections mean you can't hook it up wrong.。Get Started with the SparkFun Qwiic Button Guide。Features。12mm Green LED Button rated for 50mA。Built in LED can be configured for your desired level of blinkiness!。Each button has a configurable I2C address。Configurable interrupts - check out our guide here!。FIFO queue。Don't like the color green? Check out the SparkFun Qwiic Button Breakout and add another colored button!。Red LED Tactile Button。Blue LED Tactile Button。Green LED Tactile Button。White LED Tactile Button
1,298 税込1,428

用途工場内のあらゆる汚れ、床、壁面。 RoHS指令(10物質対応)対応
999 税込1,099
バリエーション一覧へ (3種類の商品があります)

Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
499 税込549

Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
539 税込593

用途工場内のあらゆる汚れ、床、壁面。 RoHS指令(10物質対応)対応
4,498 税込4,948
バリエーション一覧へ (2種類の商品があります)

a5-3.78 No.5 モーターディグリーザー Auto Magic(オートマジック) 動画あり
用途エンジンの洗浄、エンジン周りの油汚れに 希釈倍率原液1:水1~4 pH値(原液)11.5 液性アルカリ性 危険物の類別指定可燃物 危険物の品名可燃性液体類
3,598 税込3,958

適合用途ホイール洗浄 寸法(mm)175×120×45(スポンジ部最長) 全長(mm)330 危険物の類別非危険物
619 税込681

チェーン、スプロケット専用のクリーナーです。 古いチェーンオイル、ドロ等の頑固な汚れを強力に洗浄します。 石油系溶剤を使用していないので、シールチェーンのOリングを傷めません。さらに、防錆剤も配合。
用途バイクのチェーン、スプロケット用 成分植物性界面活性剤、防錆剤 危険物の類別非危険物
1,098 税込1,208
バリエーション一覧へ (3種類の商品があります)

種別蓄圧式 タイプ蓄圧式(業務用) 種類薬剤/粉末ABC 全幅(mm)約180
6,498 税込7,148
バリエーション一覧へ (7種類の商品があります)

鋼や鉄表面などのさびの進行を止めて、金属面を保護します。赤サビ状態を10 分で黒く丈夫な金属保護膜に変えます。 ブラスト処理などが不要なため、使用が簡単です。 あらゆる工業用塗料の下塗りとして使用可能です。
用途トラック、発電所、フェンス、ガードレール、工場、さびやすい機器類のメンテナンス。 塗料などの下塗り防錆剤。 乳白色 主成分合成ラテックス樹脂 特性さび止め 比重1.3 耐熱温度(℃)93 主な用途 使用可能材質
2,998 税込3,298
バリエーション一覧へ (2種類の商品があります)

。Description。This is the SparkFun RJ11 Breakout, two simple breakout boards for the common 6-pin RJ11 connector. These little boards can easily have one of our RJ11 6-Pin Connectors to work with common telephone cables. Each board features standard B/R/Y/G(Black/Red/Yellow/Green)labels on the top of the board to match a standard telephone wire. Additionally, each board has pin numbers on the back side that match with the pins on the connector.。Each breakout consists of two boards -- one for each end of the connections -- as well as mounting holes to help you secure your project in place.
439 税込483

。Description。USB C is quickly becoming more and more prominent in the maker community because, let's be honest, who likes trying three times to insert USB into a port? This FTDI cable is a USB C to Serial converter which allows for a simple way to connect TTL interface devices to USB. Each 26AWG cable is one meter in length with the USB C side protected by a 2in enclosure.。The FTDI cable is designed around an RS232, which is housed in a USB C connector. The other side of the cable is terminated with a 0.1" pitch, 6-pin connector with the following pinout:RTS(Green), RX(Yellow), TX(Orange), VCC 5V(Red), CTS(Brown), GND(Black). This FTDI to USB C Cable is also capable of handling high voltages up to 300V max.。There are pros and cons to the FTDI Cable vs the FTDI Basic. The FTDI Basic has great LED indicators, but requires a Mini-B cable. The FTDI Cable is well protected against the elements, but is large and cannot be embedded into a project as easily. The FTDI Basic uses DTR to cause a hardware reset where the FTDI cable uses the RTS signal.
3,798 税込4,178

。Description。The SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier is a small breakout board for the HX711 IC that allows you to easily read load cells to measure weight. By connecting the amplifier to your microcontroller you will be able to read the changes in the resistance of the load cell, and with some calibration you'll be able to get very accurate weight measurements. This can be handy for creating your own industrial scale, process control or simple presence detection.。This version of the SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier features a few changes that you specifically asked for! We have separated the analog and digital supply, as well as added a 3.3uH inductor and a 0.1uF filter capacitor for digital supply. Need even more? Checkout the SparkFun Qwiic Scale. It has all the features of the HX711 but with additional library support, a true I2C interface, and no soldering required!。The HX711 uses a two-wire interface(Clock and Data)for communication. Any microcontroller's GPIO pins should work, and numerous libraries have been written, making it easy to read data from the HX711. Check the hookup guide below for more information.。Load cells use a four-wire Wheatstone bridge configuration to connect to the HX711. These are commonly colored RED, BLK, WHT, GRN and YLW. Each color corresponds to the conventional color coding of load cells:Red(Excitation+ or VCC)。Black(Excitation- or GND)。White(Amplifier-, Signal- or Output-)。Green(A+, S+ or O+)。Yellow(Shield)。The YLW pin acts as an optional input that is not hooked up to the strain gauge but is utilized to ground and shield against outside EMI(electromagnetic interference). Please keep in mind that some load cells might have slight variations in color coding.。Note:Special thanks to Bodge for supplying the Library for the HX711!。Get Started with the HX711 Load Cell Amplifier Guide。Features。Operation Voltage:2.7V--5V。Operation Current:< 1.5mA。Selectable 10SPS or 80SPS output data rate。Simultaneous 50 and 60Hz supply rejection
2,398 税込2,638

Description。This sealed digital temperature probe lets you precisely measure temperatures in wet environments with a simple 1-Wire interface. The DS18B20 provides 9 to 12-bit(configurable)temperature readings over a 1-Wire interface, so that only one wire(and ground)needs to be connected from a central microprocessor. Power for reading, writing, and performing temperature conversions can be derived from the data line itself with no need for an external power source.。Because each DS18B20 contains a unique silicon serial number, multiple DS18B20s can exist on the same 1-Wire bus. This allows for placing temperature sensors in many different places. Applications where this feature is useful include HVAC environmental controls, sensing temperatures inside buildings, equipment or machinery, and process monitoring and control.。Note:The pinout for this sensor is as follows:RED=Vcc BLACK=GND WHITE=SIG。Features。3.0-5.5V input voltage。-55℃ to +125℃ temperature range。±0.5℃ accuracy from -10℃ to +85℃。Waterproof。1 Wire interface。Probe is 7mm in diameter and roughly 26mm long. Overall length(including wire)is 6 feet.。Thermometer resolution is programmable from 9 to 12 bits.。Electrical performance:no flicker or breakdown within AC 1200V/1S ,within DC 500V theinsulation resistance shall be greater than 100MΩ
2,998 税込3,298

Description。This single disc load cell(sometimes called a strain gauge)can translate up to 50kg of pressure(force)into an electrical signal. Each load cell is able to measure the electrical resistance that changes in response to, and proportional of, the strain(e.g. pressure or force)applied to the disc. With this gauge you will be able to tell just how heavy an object is, if an object's weight changes over time, or if you simply need to sense the presence of an object by measuring strain or load applied to a surface.。Disc load cells are a bit easier to mount than bar-style load cells, making them more straightforward to implement into a design.。Each load cell is made from an steel-alloy and is capable of reading a capacity of 50kg. These load cells have four strain gauges that are hooked up in a wheatstone bridge formation. The color code on the wiring is as follows:red = E+, green = O+, black = E-, and white = O-. Additionally, these load cells offer an IP66 protection rating.。Get Started with the Load Cell Guide。Features。20mm×11mm, 2000mm Wire
16,980 税込18,678

特性測定 = 電圧。ディスプレイのタイプ = LED。高さ = 74mm。幅 = 92mm。奥行き = 18.4mm。動作温度 Min = 0℃。動作温度 Max = +40℃。測定範囲 = 0 to 40V d.c.。シリーズ = PanelPilot。Lascar Smart Graphics DisplayThe Lascar PanelPilot series 3.5in smart graphics display has a 320 x 240 pixels (QVGA) colour display and USB programming interface. By using the PanelPilot software (available for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10), users can choose from an increasing number of voltmeter types that can be customised as per their needs. The user can customise the colours, text labels, splash screen and input voltage scaling through the software and upload to the meter with the help of the USB connection. Once programming is complete, you can save all selections to the meter and computer, detach the unit and mount in their panel as they would any standard display.Features and BenefitsVoltage measurement ranges from 0VDC and 40VDC Multiple voltmeter configurations included free pixels resolution TFT display with touch screen technology Programmable via the USB interface Accuracy is 0.05% Simple panel mounting solution with screw terminal connection Wide operating voltage of 4VDC to 30VDC Digital Hold Cut-out height of 75mm, width of 92mm and depth of 18.4mm Operating temperature ranges between 0℃ and 40℃CertificationsANSI/ESD S20.20:2014 BS EN 61340-5-1:2007
16,980 税込18,678

SKF Ball Bearing, 220 mm ID, 270 mm OD - 61844 This single-row ball bearing from SKF is a deep-groove type that can handle high loads while maintaining stability。Its low friction operation reduces surface wear and tear, minimising the risk of machine failure。The bearings deep grooves cut down on vibration and noise for a smooth and quiet operating function。A unit like this one is ideal for high rotational speeds and can accommodate radial loads that are perpendicular to the shaft. Open end, cylindrical bore type Deep-groove design for low friction torque Low noise and vibration Inside diameter of 220 mm Outside diameter of 270 mm Race width of 24 mm Application Information Mining and mineral processing industries Agricultural equipment manufacturing Aerospace industrySKF スラストボールベアリングは、単方向又はダブル方向のスラストボールベアリングとして製造されています。この製品は、軸方向の荷重にのみ対応するように設計されており、半径方向の荷重に晒さないでください。内径 220 mm、外径 270 mm となっています。 Can I replace a traditional bearing with a deep-groove ball bearing ベアリングはスチール製です 円筒穴タイプDeep-groove ball bearings are easy to install and will fit into a traditional bearing housing。This makes it simple to replace traditional bearings with deep-groove ball bearings。Do I have to lubricate this bearing This ball bearing from SKF is an open-end type。Adding appropriate lubrication will extend its lifetime.
仕様●内径:220mm●外径:270mm●ボールベアリングタイプ:深溝●レース幅:24mm●エンドタイプ:オープン●行数:1●静定格荷重:110kN●材質:ステンレス鋼●ボール材質:ステンレス鋼●動定格荷重:78kN●コード番号:207-7019 アズワン品番65-7936-39
249,800 税込274,780

Description。The SparkFun MAX31855K Thermocouple Breakout is a simple 14-bit resolution, SPI-compatible, serial interface thermocouple digitizer that makes reading a wide range of temperatures possible. A thermocouple works by taking two wires made of dissimilar metals, connecting them at the two ends, and making a temperature gradient between one end and the other(a 'hot' end and a 'cold' one). Once this is achieved, a voltage potential is formed and current flows. The SparkFun Thermocouple Breakout takes a standard Type-K thermocouple in one end, digitizes the temperature measured and sends that data out the other end via a SPI interface, thereby interpreting the data and translating it for you to read!。With the SparkFun Thermocouple Breakout, the thermocouple's hot junction can be read from -200℃ to +700℃ with an accuracy of ±2℃ while the cold junction, inside the MAX31855K, can only range from -20℃ to +85℃ while maintaining ±2℃ accuracy. The MAX31855K constantly measures the temperature of the cold junction using an internal temperature-sensing diode. The MAX31855K requires a power source from +3.0V to +3.6V(+3.0V nominal)and only draws 1.5mA maximum.。The Thermocouple Breakout is designed to accept a standard thermocouple connector, for convenience and compatibility with probes you may already own. These connectors aren't necessary, and you could solder a thermocouple directly into the through-holes labeled '+' and '-'. If you decide to solder the thermocouple directly to the breakout board, it is recommended that the thermocouple be mounted for strain relief to avoid breaking the thin wires. Notches for a zip-tie or wire wrapping have been provided in the PCB opposite the header for this purpose.。Features。14-bit Resolution。SPI-Compatible, Serial Interface。-200℃ to +700℃ Temperature Reading with ±2℃ Accuracy。3.0V to 3.6V(+3.0V nominal)Required。Accepts Type-K Thermocouple
4,298 税込4,728

仕様電源電圧:100, 240 V ac 、 電池タイプ:49 x 25mm 、 動作温度 Min:0℃ 、 動作温度 Max:+55℃ 、 ディスプレイのタイプ:LED 、 IP評価:IP20, IP66 、 範囲:N 2300 、 シリーズ:N2300 、 West N2300 Temperature Controller. The West N2300 offers real flexibility as it can be used as a controller or an indicator. The instrument has the largest red or green digital display in a 1/32 DIN package. In addition to the red or green display the N2300 benefits from three additional multi-colour LEDs to indicate process, alarm and configuration statuses. The large, tactile rubberized keys provide a more practical human interface which is complemented with a specially developed hands-free PID tuning algorithm, Easy-Tune, which continuously monitors and improves control. Alternatively the instrument can be manually fine-tuned for a specific application. The N2300 indicator has up to two outputs (relay or solid state driver) for alarm. The controller version can have an additional relay or RS232 serial communications. ; Simple straight forward operation for easy setup ; Largest 4 digit red/green digital display in a 1/32 DIN package ; PID control for (auto-tuning) hands-free operation with manual override tune capability for specialized applications ; Solid state relay SSR for primary control and alarming ; Optional second alarm relay (option) or RS-485 communication
44,980 税込49,478

。Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
589 税込648

Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
539 税込593

Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
539 税込593

。Grove - Wrapper is a kind of wrapper to fix and protect Grove modules. It will save you a lot of work on aligning your modules、and it will easy for you to show your project. For example、it will simpler to take pictures for showing your product on the Internet、and it will give a clear and clean scene if you use Grove - Wrapper to demo your project. What is more、it is expandable for Lego、mechanical parts、and so on、this will introduce flavor into your work and make your project adapt to various circumstances. The mechanical design of Grove - Wrapper also make it easy to assemble and disassemble modules.。Notethat around 85% of all Grove modules are supported by Grove - Wrapper.。Features。Flex fastener to install and replace Grove modules conveniently.。Always keep your project safe.。Half-open space、no disruption for using Grove modules.。Compatible with Lego and Makeblock modules that will make your project adapting and interesting.。Support being fastened with screws(M2、M4).。Mutual-connect-able like Lego modules does.。Colorful wrappers.。Specification。Dimension(big one):50×25×13 mm。Plane dimension(small one):25 ×25×13 mm。Material:ABS
539 税込593

。Schneider Electric Harmony Illuminated Lens Ring with logo, ARRET D’URGENCE, 24 V, ZBY9W2B130 Safeguard your workplace and emergency stop system effectively with the Harmony Illuminated Lens Ring by Schneider Electric。The Harmony Lens Ring ZBY9W2B130 is an LED illuminated marked 24 V legend plate。The marked text on the ring reads ARRET D’URGENCE in French, which translates to EMERGENCY STOP in English。This lens ring is primarily used with an emergency switching off mushroom head push-button。The light of the circular lens ring changes instantly to red when the push-button is pressed, to display the activation of the emergency stop process.This legend plate will remain highly visible even in darkness and poor conditions due to the constant LED illumination of the ring and the immediate colour change function when the emergency stop is triggered.The Schneider Electric Harmony range of high-quality, push-buttons and accessories combine practicality and ease-of-use to give you flawless control, and boost workplace safety and efficiency。Benefits and Features This legend plate will significantly improve the level of protection in your workplace with its continual LED illumination and colour change safety mechanism。The French text on the ring reading ARRET D’URGENCE is ideal for French speaking operators。It is compatible with Schneider Electric XB4 and XB5 series.- Accessory: Emergency stop mushroom head push-button (426-2808) 426-2808 - [Us] rated supply voltage: 24 V AC/DC at 50/60 Hz - Marking: Black ARRET D’URGENCE on a yellow background and caution logo - Language: French - Light source: Protected LED - Bulb base: Integral LED - Light source colour: Red - Material: Plastic - Dimensions (H x W): 60mm x 9.3mm - Current Consumption: 18 mA Protection Ratings Rated insulation voltage: 600v (pollution degree 3) conforming to EN/IEC 60947-1IP degree of protection: An IP rating is usually a two-digit grading system that is applied to the enclosure of a mechanical or electrical item, giving customers a clear indication of the item’s resistance to various types of unwanted intrusion.IP66 conforming to IEC 60529 - Full protection against dust and other particulates, protection against powerful jets (12.5 mm nozzle) of directed water from any direction.IP67 conforming to IEC 60529 - Protection against full immersion for up to 30 minutes at depths between 15 cm and 1 metre (limited ingress permitted with no harmful effects).IP69 conforming to IEC 60529 - Protection against high-pressure, high-temperature jet sprays, wash-downs or steam-cleaning procedures.IP69K conforming to ISO 20653 Protection against powerful high temperature water jets, Protected against close-range high pressure, high temperature spray downs.Type 13 conforming to UL 50E Protection against spraying, splashing.Type 12 conforming to UL 50 E Protects against light splashing and consequent seepage of oil and non-corrosive coolants.Type 4/4X conforming to UL 50E - Prevents ingress of solid foreign objects, protects against harmful effects to equipment due to the ingress of water, external ice formation.RoHs compliant and REACH standard compliant What is a legend plate A legend plate is a component used in conjunction with push-buttons and switches to highlight the placement of the button。They can also provide clear visual indication when the mechanism is triggered。Some rings will have text or symbol engravings on them that display what happens when you press, pull, push or twist a component。This type of ring is usually used within industrial workplace settings, where tactile emergency stop processes for potentially dangerous or expensive machinery need to be obvious, quick, and easy-to-use。What is a push-button A push-button is a switch mechanism that controls a function within a machine or device, such as an instant shut down.
仕様●種類:Illuminated Marked Legend Ring●併用可能製品:Emergency Stop Mushroom Head Push-Button●シリーズ:Harmony●コード番号:188-9233 アズワン品番65-7842-33
9,898 税込10,888