丸鋸刃 RS PRO カット長さ136mm あり
RS PRO TCT Circular 136mm Cutting Length Saw Blade Introducing the RS PRO Circular 136mm cutting length saw blade designed for cutting metal, such as piping and rails. Features and Benefits Superior cutting performanceClean, precise cuts What is TCT. Tungsten carbide-tipped is a material made with an alloy steel body and tungsten carbide inserts brazed to the tips of the teeth. TCT allows the user to maintain a steady rotatation while reducing the saw blade’s speed. The following items can be used with TCT saw blade: Wood Some ferrous metals Non-ferrous metals PlasticsRS Pro TCT 丸鋸ブレード( 30 歯)です。ブレード径は 136mm です ブレードの厚さ: 1.4 mm アーバー径: 20 mm 歯数 30 タングステンカーバイド製の先端部付きの軟鋼製ベースブレードです パック 1 の番号 軟鋼に適した切削材料 Things to consider Always use personal protective equipment to ensure safety for you and others. RS PRO offers a comprehensive range of PPE products to suit your needs. Browse our range to make a considered purchase.
カット長さ = 136mm
歯の数 = 30
アーバー直径 = 20mm
バイメタル = あり
刃の直径 = 136mm